Family Law

Dissolving a marriage is never easy, and when couples cannot agree on issues like child custody, support, and visitation, it often means you must allow the courts to make these decisions. This also means you need an attorney who has experience with trials, and one who will take the time to understand your goals. Before going to court, we will evaluate your case, then do everything possible to obtain the outcome you desire.

Gavel resting on a family law book

We understand parents often have differences of opinion about what is best for their children. However, we also understand the best possible outcome is when both parents are committed to ensuring the child has a healthy, nurturing relationship with both parents. Unfortunately, because emotions are running high, parents often are more concerned about their own pride than the well-being of their children. We are here to help ensure your rights are protected, and the outcome is in the best interest of your children.

If you live in the Gallatin, Tennessee area, contact the Law Office of William L. Moore, Jr. if you are dissolving your marriage. We will help ensure your right are preserved; with more than three decades of trial experience, we know what to expect in Tennessee family courts.

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